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ICS Universal

Prevent problems, multiply the safe service life

A perfect device for small to medium fluid tanks (<4 m³).

  • Measures all essential values in real time and reliably.
  • Automates concentration and surface level accurately around the clock.
  • Prevents the major contamination factors.
  • Unprecedentedly efficient in removing leak oils.
  • Removes harmful particles down to a thousandth of a millimeter.
  • Enables effective control of bacteria and other impurities.
  • Visualizes the condition of the fluid and alerts if necessary.
  • Documents data for further use.

Values obtained from Universal update in real-time on the Platform, keeping you constantly informed about the fluid's status.

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Automatic supervisor for consistent measurements, maintenance, and documentation.

Suitable for all setups, regardless of company or fluid tank size.

  • Remind and motivates you to take measurements correctly and consistently
  • Guides on what the results mean in practice and how to react to them.
  • Reports the results automatically and clearly. Machine-specific and in summaries.

Platform is included with all our products and you can use it separately with your own measuring equipment. 

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All the tools you need for high quality manual measurement of your metalworking fluids.

Suitable for all setups, regardless of company or fluid tank size.

  • Includes bacterial, mold, and yeast tests, an accurate pH meter, a concentration meter, a microbial culture device, the necessary calibration and storage solutions, and integration with the Platform.
  • Metalworking fluid measurements without training.
  • Reliable meters and tests designed and tested for machine shop conditions.
  • No installation or special arrangements required.
  • Tests take less than five minutes.

Measurements seamlessly integrates with the Platform platform."

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Automaattinen työnjohtaja kaikille koneille

  • Säännölliset muistutukset
  • Motivoiva ohjaus
  • Automaattinen nesteanalyysi
  • Visuaalinen liikennevalo-opastus
  • Selkeät historiakuvaajat
  • Yhteenvetoraportit
  • Reaaliaikainen 32" kunnonvalvontanäyttö
  • Spesnes Platform -tietotekniikka


Manuaaliset mittaukset kaikille koneille

  • Bakteeri-, home- ja hiivatestit
  • Testien viljelylaite
  • Highly accurate pH meter
  • Concentration meter
  • Kalibrointinesteet
  • Antureiden varastointiliuos
  • Integration for platform

ICS Universal

Älykäs laite keskikokoiseen järjestelmään

  • Reaaliaikainen mittaus
  • Ennakoiva kunnonvalvonta
  • Automaattinen pitoisuuden säätö
  • Automaattinen nestepinnan säätö
  • Jatkuva pintavuotoöljyjen poisto
  • Jatkuva kiertävien vuotoöljyjen poisto
  • Micron filtration (1 mcr)
  • Reaaliaikainen pH-mittaus
  • Reaaliaikainen pitoisuusmittaus
  • Reaaliaikainen lämpötilan mittaus
  • Reaaliaikainen hapetus-pelkistyspotentiaalin mittaus
  • Reaaliaikainen sähkönjohtavuusmittaus
  • 24/7 nesteiden kunnonvalvonta
  • 24/7 laitteiden kunnonvalvonta
  • Integraatio Platformiin
  • Reaaliaikainen 32" kunnonvalvontanäyttö
  • Spesnes Platform -tietotekniikka

 ICS Central

Älykäs laite keskusjärjestelmään 

  • Everything that Spesnes Universal offers +
  • Suuri kapasiteetti (jopa 50 m3)

What do our customers say?

For privacy reasons, we disclose the names and companies of the feedback providers during the meeting.

"The machining fluid was deemed ready for replacement according to the manufacturer's tests, and the occupational health doctor advised us to solve our odor problems.

We installed the Spesnes system, and everything is back to normal without replacing the fluid.”

2,000 liter machining center


“The Spesnes condition monitoring noticed a sudden deterioration in the condition of the fluid in our central system.

Thanks to their rapid response, the fluid's problems were stopped and fixed. The number of problems has generally decreased significantly."

50 000 litre central system


“The Spesnes system has tripled the lifespan of our grinding fluids. Technical and environmental problems have decreased along with costs. We have been satisfied.“

8 000 litre central system


It's this easy to get started



Order the products directly from our webshop or by contacting us. If you're not sure what's the best option for you, schedule a personal presentation now! 



Large preparations are not required. You can start using Platform immediately*, without any preparations. The devices only require easy and quick pre-installation procedures. You only need to connect a few hoses and plugs and install the surface measurement sensor.

*We will start extensive deliveries in 2024



You will receive the software and devices as a complete package. Regarding the platform, we will help you get started  installation takes only a day. Our mechanics will advice you on the operation of the devices. 



All of the information, instructions, and changes can be found on the user-friendly Platform. See for yourself how the results develop. Thanks to our condition monitoring, the condition of the liquid is continuously monitored, and any deviations are responded to immediately.

Do you have any questions? 

Book a presentation and we can find a suitable product for your company together.